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Manage your investment account online 

27four Online gives you full access to your investment account 24/7. Manage your details, download statements and other important documents and transact online.

Don’t have an account online?

Contact us and get started.

Need an application form?

Use the forms below to start a new application or find supporting and transactional forms based on your product/s.

Frequently asked questions

Step 1 : Choose your product – Choose between a unit trust, tax free savings, retirement annuity, preservation, living annuity, endowment or global product.

Step 2: Choose your investment fund – choose the fund that best matches your risk appetite.

Step 3: Download and complete the application form or invest securely online.

Step 4: Email completed forms to retailclients@27four.com

South African Citizens and Residents or Foreign Nationals (Natural Person)

  • ID document, drivers licence or a passport
  • Proof of address. (e.g. utility bill or telephone account less than three months old)
  • Proof of income tax number
  • Proof of bank statement

South African Citizens / Minor

  • All of the above documents, plus
  • Birth Certificate
  • Co-Habitant Form

Legal Entities and Trusts: South African Companies

  • Certificate of Incorporation (CM1) and Notice of Registered Office and Postal Address (CM22)
  • Proof of business address
  • Proof of income tax number
  • Proof of authority to act for the company e.g. a directors’ resolution
  • ID documents in respect of all authorised representatives and also all individuals, or legal entities holding 25% or more of the voting rights
    Proof of bank statement

Legal Entities and Trusts: South African Close Corporations

  • Founding Statement and Certificate of Incorporation (CK1) and Amended Founding Statement (CK2)
  • Proof of business address
  • Proof of income tax number
  • Proof of authority to act for the close corporation e.g. a members’ resolution
  • ID documents in respect of all authorised representatives and also all individuals, or legal entities holding 25% or more of the voting rights
  • Proof of bank statement

Legal Entities and Trusts: Foreign Companies

  • Official document from foreign regulator witnessing incorporation, bearing the name, number and address
  • Proof of address
  • Proof of income tax number
  • Proof of authority to act for the company e.g. a directors’ resolution
  • ID documents/passports in respect of the all authorised representatives and also all individuals, or legal entities holding 25% or more ofthe voting rights
  • Proof of bank statement

Legal Entities and Trusts: Other Legal Persons (Retirement Funds, Medical Schemes, Club, Association, Body Corporate, etc.)

  • The constitution or other founding document/ Regulatory approval in terms of which legal entity is created
  • Proof of address
  • Proof of income tax number
  • Proof of authority to act for the entity e.g. trustees’ resolution
  • ID documents in respect of the all authorised representatives
  • Proof of bank statement

Legal Entities and Trusts: Trusts

  • Letters of authority from the Master (SA trust) or foreign regulator (foreign trusts)
  • Trust Deed
  • Proof of income tax number
  • Proof of authority to act for the trust e.g. resolution
  • ID documents in respect of the all authorised representatives and also all beneficiaries mentioned by name in the trust deed
  • Proof of bank statement
  • For unit trusts a lump sum of R5000 and/or a monthly debit order of R500
  • For retirement annuities a lump sum of R10 000 and/or a monthly debit order of R500
  • For preservation funds a lump sum of R100 000

For information on your investment, you can log on to our secure portal or contact us on 0800 000 274 (toll-free) or send an email to retailclients@27four.com. You could also WhatsApp “Hi” to 011 442 2467.

For unit trusts and retirement annuities you will need to complete an additional form. Alternatively you can make use of the 27four Online secure portal.

For unit trusts you will need to complete a redemption form. You can only access your retirement annuity benefit from age 55 or if you are emigrating. For your preservation fund benefit you can take one cash withdrawal before retirement, which is any time after age 55. Please contact us to assist you.

Please forward an email to retailclients@27four.com advising us of any changes.

You will need to complete a switch form. Once completed please email it to us at retailclients@27four.com.

All 27four direct investors can access 27four Online. To register you will need your unique investor number, which is shown on your investment statement. Once registered you will be able to access the portal and view information on your investment and request tax certificates online.

Unit Trust

An investment savings vehicle that pools investors’ money into a single fund which has a specific investment objective. Provides the flexibility to add or withdraw funds at any time.

Tax Free Savings

A tax efficient investment savings vehicle introduced by government to encourage people to save. There are no tax implications on interest income, dividend income or capital gains. Maximum contrivution of R36 000 per tax year or R500 000 over your lifetime.

Retirement Annuity

A tax efficient investment savings vehicle designed specifically to save for retirement where access to savings is only allowed from age 55. Contributions during the year of assessment are tax deductible up to a specified limit. No tax is payable on the growth of your capital (interest, dividends or capital gains).

Preservation Fund

An investment vehicle designed to protect and preserve retirement fund benefits in the case of dismissal, retrenchment or resignation. No tax is payable on the growth of your capital (interest, dividends or capital gains).

Living Annuity

An investment vehicle that provides a retiree with a regular income during retirement. The amount you draw down annually as an income is taxed in your hands at your marginal income tax rate.


An investment savings vehicle best suited for investors with a marginal income tax rate higher than 30%. A minimum 5-year investment term applies. Income is taxed at a flat rate of 30%, with an effective tax on capital gains of 12%, allowing scope for significant savings for individuals with a higher marginal income tax rate.

Global UCITS

A pooled investment savings vehicle domiciled outside of South Africa. SARS and SARB have rules on how much is allowed to be invested offshore.For amounts greater than R1 million you require a tax clearance certificate from SARS.

We can get a financial advisor to contact you in order to assist in meeting your financial needs. For more information on this please contact us on 0800 000 274 (toll-free) or send an email to retailclients@27four.com You could also WhatsApp “Hi” to 011 442 2467.

Please speak to your financial advisor who will conduct a financial needs analysis that will assist you in selecting a fund best suited to meet your financial goals.

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